I wish to express my cordial gratitude and compliments to the honorable PTEA members for reposing confidence and trust in electing me unopposed for the responsibility of chairman of this premier Association of Pakistan. It is all with the blessing of Almighty ALLAH and wishes of my sincere and well-wishers. It is indeed a great challenge and big responsibility as well.
You are well aware that this era of globalization is unfolding unprecedented challenges and opportunities for the textile sector. In this perspective, it is imperative that we together gear up the Association to act as a catalyst for change and play a proactive role to meet the challenges ahead for a lasting turnaround in the economic fortunes of our beloved nation.
I assure you that no stone will left unturned to bring the textile sector on track from the present grim situation. We will be seeking your guidance, cooperation and support to achieve the desired results and would appreciate receiving your precious suggestions and proposals as these are real beacon of light. By the grace of Almighty ALLAH and continued support and co-operation of our valued members, we shall, INSHA ALLAH, try our utmost for the furtherance of trade and industry.
In the last, it is my humble request to our respected members to please honor us with your presence in all meetings of the Association as your guidance and advices would help to keep us on right track. Once again, I extend my extreme thanks for your support and kind trust. I assure you that no stone will left unturned to bring the textile sector on track from the present grim situation. We will be seeking your guidance, cooperation and support to achieve the desired results and would appreciate receiving your precious suggestions and proposals as these are real beacon of light.
By the grace of Almighty ALLAH and continued support and co-operation of our valued members, we shall, INSHA ALLAH, try our utmost for the furtherance of trade and industry.
Sohail Pasha
Pakistan Textile Exporters Association